About Directorate
- To see healthy, productive & prosperous citizen
- To protect and promote public health by ensuring the safety, quality, efficacy, rationale use, and performance of regulated health & health-related products & services through licensing, inspection, license registration, laboratory testing, community participation, and provision of up-to-date regulatory information
Roles and Responsibilities
- Regulating health & Health-related facilities with respect to 4P’s (Premises, Professionals, Products & Practices).
- Conducting inspection on both health and health-related products & facilities
- Licensing of health and health-related facilities & traditional medicines practices
- Licensing & registration of health professionals and traditional medicine practitioners
- Conducting Laboratory analysis of food & medicines.
- Safeguard the public from falsified, substandard, and ineffective health & health-related products

Mr. Bedilu HailemariamHealth Related Service Product Quality Regulatory Directorate Director